Fuji Central Kindergarten 30th Anniversary

"100 imaginations"

Only for me, only for me.
Only you, only you.
This mysterious logo mark
For my own logo mark
Would you like to arrange it?

Concept & logo mark

Since the school corporation Shinoju Kobayashi Gakuen was established on March 5, 1993, and Fuji Central Kindergarten opened on April 1, 1993,
This year is the 30th year. I want to make it a milestone year that is unique to us. What starts there is
Developed based on the Fuji Central Kindergarten logo mark,
"100 Imagination" Project . Eventually, we plan to connect all of your imaginations and make a special video by the end of this year. stay tuned!

(柿木原政広 www.10inc.jp/fujichu/)

2000年に 柿木原政広 氏にデザインしていただいた
富士中央幼稚園のロゴマークについては、柿木原 氏 が
代表を務めるデザイン事務所 株式会社10 のHPに下記のようなご紹介があります。またこのデザインを含めて柿木原 氏はグラフィック・デザイナーの登竜門「JAGDA新人賞」を2003年に受賞されています。
デザインの経緯については、色々なところや雑誌、書籍でお話されているので、 興味のある方は
(柿木原政広 富士中央幼稚園)で検索してみてください。

There is only one thing to watch out for
I don't know the shape, so please.

* Do not get rid of as much as possible

I like cars, so I have a tire logo.
When I saw science fiction recently, I saw the logo mark that shines blue.
She is always bright and stuffs a rainbow inside.
He likes to have fun and runs the maze freely.
If you have an important picture book, imitate that wonderful cover.
You, who are good at origami, tried to combine it with the work.
"Adults" "Children" "Good" "Heta"
This logo mark doesn't care about such a trivial matter.
Every idea is the best, just for you.
You this white drawing paper and gray logo frame
How would you like to finish it?
Enogu, Crayon, Coupy, Colored Pencils ...
Any painting material is free
Coloring, paper-cutting, pasting, digital
Any method is free
* All completed works will be carefully stored in the garden. Later, as a special video,
I would like to give it back to you.